Our geo-science and environmental science students hail from a wide range of institutions and disciplines. All are interested in scientific research and are participating in our study of biogeochemical processes in northern upland and wetland ecosystems.
2012 Students
Nancy Freitas
University of Arizona
Environmental Science majorI will be characterizing soil microbes at increasing depths in lake sediments through DNA extractions and sequencing.
I will also be incubating the sediments at two different temperatures to determine the relative production of methane by these microbes. C:N ratios, and 13C and 15N isotopic signatures will be determined from the sediments, and will help to give me a better idea of the environment that the microbes are functioning in.
Methane and carbon dioxide dynamics from sediment in two northern peatland lakes. Co-authors: Ruth Varner, Martin Wik, Kaitlyn Steele, Joel E. Johnson,Virginia Rich, Patrick M. Crill:Mentor: Ruth Varner |